Michigan Rehabilitation Services(offers retraining, GED, helps those with a disability obtain employment) 826 N. State St. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 796-8606
Michigan Works(offers resource library to search & apply for jobs, GED testing, work skills assessment) 14330 Northland Dr. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 796-0049
Food Assistance Services Angels of Action(food pantry, family/youth support) 200 S. Stewart Ave. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 629-8140
Department of Human Services - DHS(offers food assistance) 800 Water Tower Rd. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 796-4300
Mid-Michigan Community Action Agency - MMCAA(offers assistance with housing vouchers, rent deposits, first months' rent) 1547 E. Washington Rd. Farwell, MI 48622 (989) 386-3805
Reed City Housing Commission(offers apartment rent based on income) 802 S. Mill St. Reed City, MI 49677 (231) 832-2762
True North(offers assistance with housing vouchers) 6308 S. Warner Ave. Fremont, MI 49412 (231) 924-0641
Identification Services Secretary of State(get ID card, drivers license) 206 N. Michigan Ave. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (888) 767-6424
Social Security Administration(get social security card, apply for benefits) 730 Water Tower Rd. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (800) 772-1213
Individual/Family/Youth Support Services Children's Protective Services (The toll-free number to confidentially report abuse or neglect of any child or adult to MDHHS) 855-444-3911
New Journey Clubhouse(mental health services, employment support, community support, educational assistance, social opportunities) 405 S. Third Ave. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 592-4654
Pet Care Services Animal Rescue Coalition (temporary pet care) 18400 220th Ave. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 796-2683
Rehabilitation Services Sisters of Sobriety (Residential treatment for women’s recovery. A home offering a safe and supportive environment to nurture recovery.) 5398 Pierce Road, Remus 49340 231-250-9193
Ten16 Recovery Network (offers substance abuse/alcohol counseling) 150 S Stewart Ave. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 527-2000
Senior Citizen Support Services Adult Protective Services (The toll-free number to confidentially report abuse or neglect of any child or adult to MDHHS.) 855-444-3911
Mecosta County Commission on Aging(Available for home-delivered meals, dining room options, library services, shopping, and loan closet, and various recreational, educational, and leisure activities.) 12954 80th Ave, Mecosta 49332 231-972-2884
Osceola County Commission on Aging(Offers Meals on Wheels, Medicare/Medicaid assistance, home health aides, transportation, respite, congregate meal sites.) 732 W. 7th Street, Evart 49631 231-734-5559
Transportation Services Dial-a-Ride (DART) (Public transportation within Big Rapids city limits) 201 N. Bronson Avenue Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231)-796-8675
Mecosta - Osceola Transit Authority (MOTA)(provides countywide transportation services with both counties, Mecosta and Osceola) 18710 10 Mile Road Big Rapids, MI 49307 231-796-4896
Utility and Rental Assistance MDHHS (Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services)(Child and family support services, child care assistance, food assistance, healthcare coverage, migrant services, WIC program, housing, and homeless services, and emergency relief: home, utilities, burial) 800 Water Tower Rd. Big Rapids, MI 49307 231-796-4300
Veteran Services Veteran Affairs (Assists with veterans applying for benefits and/or survivor/dependent benefits for federal, state, and county levels)
Mecosta County: 14330 Northland Dr., Big Rapids, MI 49307 231-592-0124 (open Tues., Wed., Thurs.)
Osceola County: 240 E. Church Ave. Reed City, MI 49677 231-791-7082 Cell: 231-912-7011